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Institut für Plastination

Heidelberg, Germany

When the space and technical facilities available at Heidelberg University were no longer adequate for the growing demands of Plastination, Dr. Gunther von Hagens founded a private laboratory, known as the Institute for Plastination (IfP) in 1993.

The objective of the IfP, has always been to further develop Plastination techniques and to improve anatomical instruction by manufacturing high-quality, didactically useful specimens for institutes of higher education. The IfP is proud to have perfected the technology and technique for preparing whole-body plastinates and transparent, whole-body.

The foundation for this work has been the IfP’s body donation program which was established by Gunther von Hagens at Heidelberg University and later transferred, with the consent of the registered body donors, to his Institute. The IfP continues to be responsible for this unique body donation program to this day. More than 22,000 body donors are currently registered (as of January 2025).

The IfP later began curating and organizing the BODY WORLDS exhibitions. The design and worldwide coordination of these exhibitions has by now become one of the institute‘s main tasks, and these activities are led by Dr. Angelina Whalley.

She has been the IfP’s Managing Director since 1997.

Die Gubener Plastinate GmbH

Guben, Germany

In 2006, when the IfP itself began out grow it’s space in Heidelberg, Dr. von Hagens established Gubener Plastinate GmbH, the world’s largest Plastination center, in Guben, Brandenburg, Germany. Today, plastinates for the BODY WORLDS exhibitions as well as intensive research activities to continuously improve the technique of plastination are carried out in Guben.

Due to his progressive Parkinson’s disease, Dr. von Hagens recently began to withdraw from the operations of Gubener Plastinate GmbH, leaving the day-to-day management to his son, Rurik von Hagens.


Guben, Germany

The Guben site is also home to the PLASTINARIUM, where members of the public can watch employees as they dissect and plastinate specimens, and follow along as plastinates are created.

In addition, the PLASTINARIUM houses a large collection of anatomical specimens and hosts teaching workshops, where students, healthcare professionals, and others interested in anatomy can further develop their knowledge by using plastinates, unique models, tablets, computers, and a research library. The state-of-the-art facility is not limited to use by German students. The PLASTINARIUM regularly hosts groups from abroad as well. (e.g., from the United States).

Visit the Plastinarium

von Hagens Plastination

Real Anatomy for Teaching

Gubener Plastinate GmbH produces plastinates for medical teaching, which are offered under the name “von Hagens Plastination – Real Anatomy for Teaching”.

The aim of von Hagens Plastination is to provide students and teachers, doctors and scientists, medical staff and interested lay people alike with unprecedented learning experiences with real human teaching specimens.

Specimens of human origin are only available to “Qualified Users”.

Visit Von Hagens Plastination

BIODUR® Products GmbH

Polymers | Equipment | Auxiliaries

Biodur Products offers polymers, equipment, auxiliaries and services for Plastination.

Over the past 30+ years, Biodur Products has evolved into a global company that supplies more than 400 universities and teaching institutions with solutions for their Plastination needs.

visit BIODUR® Products

Arts & Sciences

Exhibitions and Publishing GmbH

In 2003, Dr. Angelina Whalley founded the company Arts & Sciences Exhibitions and Publishing GmbH that, next to organizing scientific touring exhibitions worldwide, publishes exhibition-related materials, among others several best-selling books, exhibition catalogues as well as documentaries.

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